Mike Bass
Meet Mike Bass, 2016 candidate running for the The Woodlands Township Board of Directors Position #2.
Hello Woodlands gave the opportunity to all candidates running for The Woodlands Township Board of Directors to interview with our team. We want to thank the candidates for their time and allowing Hello Woodlands to share their answers with YOU and the community.
Share your background. What originally brought you to The Woodlands?
- Graduated from Baylor university in 1965 with a BBA degree with majors in accounting and economics
- Served (1967-1973) in the US Army Reserve and the Texas National Guard as the Executive Officer for a medical unit.
- 35 years of experience with Accenture, an international consulting firm. I have lived and’ or worked in 9 countries. My area of expertise is in Supply Chain management, Logistics, Construction/Project Management and Plant operations. I retired in January 2000.
- Served 10 years as an appointed and elected official for The City of Clear Lake Shores, Tex.
- Moved to The Woodland from Clear Lake Shores (Galveston County) in November 2008 to be closer to our sons and their families
Why do you enjoy living and/or working in The Woodlands?
“We enjoy living close to our sons and three grandchildren. We love all the amenities and activities in The Woodlands. We consider it to be a very caring and safe community.”
Tell us about your business (and/or organization, group, event, product, etc).
“I am retired. I am running for re-election to The Woodlands Township Board Serving on the Township Board requires significant time commitment. One must be committed to staying in touch with our business leaders and residents by being involved and active in our community. I routinely attend all eight of our Village Association meetings. This helps me to stay in touch with the concerns of our community.
I have also demonstrated my willingness to help resolve several significant problems encountered by our community. My efforts have included mediating resident issues such as the Creekside Park Walmart and clear cutting issues, Alden Bridge flooding issues resulting from the Del Webb, and the current conflict between the Laurelhurst Neighborhood and St Anthony Church. I believe it is more effective to collaborate with all stakeholders in resolving issues and conflict than taking more adversarial, confrontational approaches.
If reelected to the Board, my highest priorities for the future will be to:
- Re-establish more positive relationships with the County and neighboring cities.
- Improve mobility and reduce congestion, the #1 risk to our quality of life style. This includes halting the planned major road extensions through our Community.
- Continue to support our local businesses which provide good paying jobs and sustain a healthy sales tax base.
- Strengthen the enforcement of our Covenants
- Improve our drainage.”
How do you contribute, give back and/or make a difference in our community?
“When I was working for Accenture my heavy travel schedule provided little time to contribute my time to the community. I have a lot of business experience and have used it to contribute to the betterment of various community organizations. One can always give money, which I do, but I believe the biggest value is giving your time and experience. Since moving to the Woodlands I have served in the following capacities:
- Past Service
- Treasurer of the Sterling Ridge Village Association
- Sterling Ridge Residential Design Review Committee
- Design Standards Committee
- Neighborhood Watch Coordinator
- Current Service
- Township Director, serving on many of Board Committees. I currently chair the Audit Committee and am the Vice Chairman of the Board.
- Chamber of Commerce’s Mobility Committees.
- Township representative to the Board of Directors of the Woodlands Road Utility District #1.
- Woodlands Waterway Art Council, Director and Treasurer,
- Woodlands Rotary.”
Where do you see yourself (personally and/or your business) in the near future?
- “Continuing to be remain active, both physically and mentally serving my family and community
- Spending quality time with my wife and family
- Cooking
- Traveling, especially to Italy and Spain, with my wife
- Fishing”
Top 5 Favorites Things To Do in The Woodlands that you would recommend?
- “Eating out, there are too many good restaurants to single out just one
- Volunteering at the Waterway Art Festival
- Walking my two Labs”
Would you like to share any other words, stories, or thoughts?
“To sustain our beautiful community and George Mitchell’s vision requires that more of understand that vision and contribute in our own way to preserve it. The increased growth in an around The Woodlands put this vision at risk.”
Don’t forget to vote in Early Voting until November 4 or on Election Day, November 8!
Please note that Hello Woodlands is an unbiased, nonpartisan news source that does not support only one party or candidate. We believe in providing the community with educational information, credible facts, thoroughly researched topics and articles, and to be a voice for ALL members in our community.