Ann K. Snyder: The Woodlands Township Candidate
Please note that Hello Woodlands is an unbiased, nonpartisan news source that does not support only one party or candidate. We do not accept or receive advertising or funding from any candidate, party or group. We believe in providing the community with educational information, credible facts, thoroughly researched topics and articles, and to be a voice for ALL members in our community.
Hello Woodlands gave the opportunity to candidates running for The Woodlands Township Board of Directors to complete a written interview including the same 10 questions and opportunity to submit photos and website links. View candidate’s responses to our questions, if provided.
Each position has a two-year term, is an unpaid volunteer position, and is elected at-large by voters in The Woodlands Township in both Montgomery County and Harris County. The election is scheduled for November 5, 2019. Voters must be registered to vote for The Woodlands election.
Ann K. Snyder is running for the Township Board Position 6.
1. Share your background. What originally brought you to The Woodlands?
My family, consisting of my husband Jerry and at that time our 2 young children, moved to The Woodlands in the 1980’s for career reasons, and we loved it from the very beginning. I am an avid education advocate and hold 3 degrees: Ed.D. Baylor University; M.Ed. University of Missouri; B.S. Colorado State University. We are active in The Woodlands United Methodist Church.
My occupational history: The Woodlands United Methodist Church, The Woodlands, Texas, Executive Director of Generosity and Head of School 2016 – 2019;
Interfaith of The Woodlands, The Woodlands, Texas, President & CEO, 2004 – 2016;
Interfaith Community Clinic, Oak Ridge North, Texas, President & CEO, 2011 – 2016;
University of Houston College of Education educator 1990 – 2004.

2. How do you contribute, give back and make a difference in our community?
My parents set an example of giving back to the community, so I learned early the true meaning of “making good things happen”. I have tried to make that a guiding principal in my life, both in my working career and my volunteer activities. My current community involvement includes serving on several Boards such as Houston Methodist The Woodlands Hospital, Conroe ISD Education Foundation, Montgomery County Food Bank, A Foundation for Theological Education, and various advisory councils. I am proud to have been elected and re-elected to the Conroe ISD Board of Trustees over a period of 15 years, serving two terms as President. My history of community engagement includes Chairman of The Woodlands Area Chamber of Commerce, The Woodlands Rotary Club’s first woman President, Martin Luther King Commemorative Celebration Committee, 11 years serving on the YMCA Board of Directors, 20 years as a youth Interact Sponsor, the Boards of The Woodlands Waterway Art Council and the Junior Golf Association, Junior League of The Woodlands, and more. I believe our wonderful hometown is worth supporting, and that community leadership is essential to preservation of our quality of life.

3. Why do you enjoy living (and/or working) in The Woodlands?
The Woodlands has been my family’s home for over 30 years. Jerry, my husband of 47 years, and I have been blessed to raise our children, and now our grandchildren right here in this ideal hometown. And my positions at Interfaith of The Woodlands, and then at The Woodlands United Methodist Church, have enabled me to see the good done by so many in our neighborhoods. All of this engenders in me a great love for The Woodlands.

4. How has The Woodlands helped and impacted you?
My years leading Interfaith of The Woodlands gave me an opportunity to actually work with The Woodlands’ founder Mr. George Mitchell, and I gained invaluable insight from that unique experience. During my longtime service to The Woodlands Community, I have encountered people of all ages, socio-economic groups, ethnicities and faiths, giving me an appreciation for differing views and customs.

5. What motivates you to run for The Woodlands Township Board of Directors?
I seek a third term on the Township Board to ensure all residents continue to enjoy the lifestyle expected in The Woodlands, and to protect Mr. George Mitchell’s vision. Thirty+ years of servant leadership in The Woodlands gives me a unique perspective to be an advocate for all. Board continuity at this juncture of our community is important as the Board addresses major challenges.

6. What are 5 things that you want voters to know about you (personal, points, views, experience, etc.)?
– My family now has three generations living, working, playing and praying in The Woodlands.
– I want to ensure that all residents, regardless of where they came from or how long they have lived here, continue to enjoy the lifestyle we expect in The Woodlands, and I intend to keep doing my part on the Township Board to make that possible.
– During my decades in this community, and my time working with The Woodlands founder Mr. George Mitchell, I have listened to the voices of the residents – children, seniors, families and business owners – making me a true advocate in protecting what we love most about The Woodlands. I will continue to be the voice of the residents on The Woodlands Township Board of Directors.
– My priorities are Safety & Law Enforcement to protect our quality of life; Mobility and Traffic Management to ease our commutes; Flood Mitigation to guard our homes and businesses; Cultural Arts development to enhance an essential part of our lives; and Township Leadership to advocate for our hometown during critical upcoming management changes.
– I know the value of making good things happen. I get things done! And, my love for The Woodlands as a hometown is unparalleled.
7. What makes you unique in comparison to other candidates?
My proven Township Board track record, decades serving The Woodlands community, my unique perspective having dealt with people from multiple areas and walks of life, all make me unique. My diverse experience as a university educator, school district Trustee, Interfaith executive, and church ministry staff administrator has afforded me great opportunities to develop as a listener and leader. I believe I excel at getting things done!
8. What are your views on incorporation?
I am a strong believer that the residents of The Woodlands should decide their own future regarding incorporation. So, I am committed to ensuring that all avenues for the future of The Woodlands are thoroughly investigated by The Township Board. I believe it is the responsibility of the Board to educate the community. I trust the people to make a decision when all the facts are known, based on: whether incorporation will truly improve our quality of life; the impact on our families’ finances and taxes; the benefits, if any, of a drastic change in our governance; and the effect on our children’s and grandchildren’s future, and as Mr. Mitchell so wisely noted, the future of our grandchildren’s grandchildren.
9. If elected, what would your top 3 priorities as a Township Board of Director? How would you work to impact/shape the future of The Woodlands?
The security of our hometown is of the highest priority for me. Our community thrives when people feel safe. We must dedicate all necessary resources to keep our neighborhoods secure, so that children and families can enjoy our parks, pathways and village centers in comfort. It is important that we continue a strong presence of law enforcement, while keeping our taxes low.
Another priority is mobility. Quite simply, we have too much traffic! We must create solutions that address the concerns of our residents and businesses to preserve our high quality of life. That includes infrastructure and planning that will manage our growing community and address our daily commute and mobility concerns.
Flood mitigation has become another top priority for The Woodlands. Tremendous population growth is expected in our area over the next decade. That will probably bring more new residents seeking housing, and more commercial development to serve those residents. We must encourage conscientious planning using all means available to help predict and prevent damages to homes and businesses, as with major unexpected weather events. The Township must collaborate with other governmental entities to protect our residents, their homes and businesses.

10. Would you like to share any other words or a message to The Woodlands community?
Quite simply, I request residents of The Woodlands to please take the time to vote, and vote to re-elect me. My priorities line up with your priorities. Having lived here since the 1980’s, I love what George Mitchell created. Once asked “Did you build The Woodlands for your grandchildren?” Mr. Mitchell answered, “No, I didn’t build it for my grandchildren. I built The Woodlands for my grandchildren’s grandchildren.” In a nutshell, that is the Township Board’s responsibility for our world class community: To preserve, protect and enhance it for the future.

Learn more at annksnyder.com
The Woodlands Area Chamber of Commerce’s Business Advocacy Council hosted a candidate forum for the 2019 race on Tuesday, October 15, 2019 from 4-6 p.m. at the Chamber’s Lakeshore Boardroom, located at 9320 Lakeside Blvd. in The Woodlands.
Three at-large positions on The Woodlands Township Board of Directors will be elected in the November 5, 2019 election, designated as positions 5, 6 and 7.
Watch the video of the forum on the Hello Woodlands YouTube Channel below:
Please visit the November Election section on the Township’s website for additional information at https://thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov/1350/November-2019-Election
Please note that Hello Woodlands is an unbiased, nonpartisan news source that does not support only one party or candidate. We do not accept or receive advertising or funding from any candidate, party or group. We believe in providing the community with educational information, credible facts, thoroughly researched topics and articles, and to be a voice for ALL members in our community.