John Anthony Brown
Meet John A. Brown, 2016 candidate running for the The Woodlands Township Board of Directors Position #3.
Hello Woodlands gave the opportunity to all candidates running for The Woodlands Township Board of Directors to interview with our team. We want to thank the candidates for their time and allowing Hello Woodlands to share their answers with YOU and the community.
Share your background. What originally brought you to The Woodlands?
“I am married to my beautiful wife Bonnie, have a stepson named Ryan and a 9 year old daughter named Madison. I am originally from Philadelphia, PA and moved to The Woodlands in 2010. With the arrival of my daughter I wanted a safer place to live to raise my family. The Woodlands had everything we could want; quality education, safe community, and a serene environment.”
How do you contribute, give back and/or make a difference in our community?
“I have been serving on the board of the Alden Bridge Village Association for approximately the last five 6 years and was honored to be nominated as volunteer of the year in 2015. In 2013, I organized and ran a charity Golf Tournament to raise money for participating Village Association charities. It raised over $4,000 and supported both Panther Creek and Alden Bridge Village Associations. In a variety of ways I am active in the community through my church. I am a member of the LDS church and it is important to serve in our community by volunteering.”
Why do you enjoy living (and working) in The Woodlands?
“I follow the cliché of The Woodlands model in that I live, work and play here. The community is vibrant with different cultures, eclectic restaurants, and shopping within walking distance. Everyone would agree that working where you live and not needing to drive outside The Woodlands is a great benefit.”
How has The Woodlands helped and affected you?
“Coming from a fast-paced city like Philadelphia where there is little to no trees and lots of concrete and skyscrapers. It is a pleasant change of pace to live here. It’s not too often you get to see wildlife, such as deer, walking by your front door in the morning. The Woodlands community has given me a sense of hope that a peaceful community can exist, where we can help each other in time of need and enjoy our natural surroundings.”
What fuels your fire to run for The Woodlands Township Board of Directors?
“Service is first and foremost. My motivation to become a board of Director is service to the community and the satisfaction to be able to personally contribute in a positive way.
There are special interest groups that are currently trying to control our community for their own benefits and ignoring the wishes of the residents.”
Tell us about your business (or organization, group, event, product, etc).
“I am currently the Facilities Supervisor for Huntsman International at their corporate headquarters in The Woodlands. I supervise 5 employees and manage a 10 million dollar annual budget. Another role I had with Huntsman was in the Purchasing department where my sole function was to save the company money by extending payment terms and negotiating favorable contracts. In 3 years I negotiated 1.3 million dollars in savings for the company. I have over 10 years’ experience in negotiating contracts for Clinical Research and I am currently a licensed realtor and have been for over 8 years, with previous licenses in PA and NJ.”
What are 5 things that you want voters to know about you?
- “I will never put special interest groups above those in our community.
- I am a man of Integrity. Earning someone’s trust and keeping it is very important to me.
- Fiscal Responsibility is about making sure we are prepared for the future and proper planning of our future budgets should not be taken lightly.
- Public safety, especially our children’s, is paramount. We need to make sure that our community is equipped with the resources needed to protect our residents and businesses.
- I promise to go to work for YOU. I am dedicated to giving you the attention that is required, regardless of point of view. We all have equal voices.”
What makes you unique to other candidates and your competitors?
“I am fiscally responsible for a 10 million dollar facilities budget for Huntsman International corporate headquarters. I have extensive contract review and negotiation experience, which can be valuable to the Township’s budget planning and negotiating for our multi-million dollar network of facilities. Having over 8 years of real estate experience as a licensed Realtor © allows me to understand logistical boundaries, The Woodlands covenants/restrictions, and development.”
Where do you see yourself in the near future?
“If things are the same in the community, I will be here for a very long time and hope that when my daughter grows up she will decide to raise her family in The Woodlands.”
Would you like to share any other words or messages to The Woodlands community?
“I would like to echo the words from a very successful business man who also lives here and has given back to this community.
‘I have had the privilege of working directly with John Brown for the past 6 years. I have come to know John as a man of integrity, hard work and the ability to work with others under a variety of circumstances. As The Woodlands faces many key decisions in the coming years, I am confident that John will use the same traits and judgements that I have come to admire and respect. I am proud to support John for The Woodlands Township Director, position 3, and his efforts to continue to make The Woodlands the unique location that drew so many of us here in the first place.’ “
To learn more about John A. Brown, visit BrownForTownship.com
Don’t forget to vote in Early Voting until November 4 or on Election Day, November 8!
Please note that Hello Woodlands is an unbiased, nonpartisan news source that does not support only one party or candidate. We believe in providing the community with educational information, credible facts, thoroughly researched topics and articles, and to be a voice for ALL members in our community.