Serafin Farias: Conroe ISD Board of Trustees Candidate

Please note that Hello Woodlands is an unbiased, nonpartisan news source that does not endorse or support only one party or candidate. We do not accept or receive advertising or funding from any candidate, party or group.

Hello Woodlands gave the opportunity to candidates running for Conroe ISD Board of Trustees to complete a written interview including the same five (5) questions. View candidate’s responses to our questions, if provided.

The Conroe Independent School District election for Trustee Positions 1, 2, and 3 will be November 8, 2022. Board members are elected for four (4) year terms.


Serafin Farias is running for Conroe ISD Board of Trustees Position 1.

Serafin Farias

1. Share about yourself and your background. 

I’m a husband, and I’m a father. I am also a physician. I’m a 6th generation Texan born to two teachers. My family and I have lived in the district for over 8 years and I have 4 children in CISD. I graduated from Texas A&M University with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. I worked at AT&T for 7 years where I earned my M.B.A. I graduated from Baylor College of Medicine with my M.D. degree.

2. What motivates you to run for the Conroe ISD Board of Trustees?

I’m driven to improve the academics and education of our children at CISD. Conroe ISD is rated a “B” school district. We must make it an A. We can do this by making sure low-performing schools have all the tools they need to be successful. We must also lower the student-to-teacher ratio so teachers can spend more time teaching our children. 

Serafin Farias

3. What are 5 things that you want voters to know about you (personal, points, views, experience, etc.)?

  • I am the father of 4 children in CISD (kindergarten through junior high).
  • I am a practicing physician which always humbles me and allows me to connect with people and their families from all walks of life.
  • My focus for the district is on academics. I want CISD to move from a “B” district to an “A”. 
  • I have a passion for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and would encourage CISD to expand these subject areas. 
  • Dyslexia. We must do a better job of helping children with learning disabilities. Many parents, for example, are frustrated with the district’s current way of operating in regard to children with dyslexia. 

4. If elected, what would your top 3 priorities be?

  • My drive is to improve the academics within the district. We must move CISD from a “B” school district to an “A” school district by making sure low-performing schools have all the tools they need to be successful.
  • Focus on what needs to be done to lower our student-to-teacher ratio in the district, which is above the Texas average.
  • Be a champion for the expansion of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and making changes that will improve the education of our children with learning disabilities.

5. Would you like to share any other words or messages?

I believe in our district. No place is perfect, but when parents, teachers, and administrators have a passion and drive in their hearts to improve the education of our children, amazing things can happen.

Learn more about Serafin Farias:

Visit the Hello Woodlands 2022 Election Guide for the Conroe ISD Board of Trustees Candidates to view all candidates, interviews, and voting information here.

Visit the Conroe ISD Trustees Elections page to learn more about the November 8, 2022 election here.

Please note that Hello Woodlands is an unbiased, nonpartisan news source that does not support only one party or candidate. We do not accept or receive advertising or funding from any candidate, party or group. We believe in providing the community with educational information, credible facts, thoroughly researched topics and articles, and to be a voice for ALL members in our community.
