
Waller ISD Names New Facilities

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Elementary #8, Agriculture Science Complex, High School #2
The Waller ISD (WISD) Board of Trustees announced the names of three new facilities during its regular meeting on Dec. 12, 2024. They include Mary Alice Cure Elementary (elementary #8), the Waller High School (WHS) Smith Andrews Agriculture Science Complex, and Warren Ranch High School (high school #2).

Elementary #8, located on Field Store Road south of Schultz Junior High (SJH) and opening in August 2025, will be named in honor of Mary Alice Cure, a retired physical education teacher who dedicated 24 years to Waller ISD. Primarily known for her role at Holleman Elementary and affectionately known as “Coach Cure” throughout the community, she taught generations of WISD students and continues to support former and current students today. Cure is a tireless advocate for public schools and an active member of her church and the greater Waller area. She is frequently found at community meetings and school events around the district. 

The WHS Smith Andrews Agriculture Science Complex, located on WISD property between SJH and WHS, includes the new Agriculture Science Facility that will open in January 2025, the existing ag building, and any future WHS ag buildings on this site. The name celebrates the beloved WHS ag teaching duo of Bob Smith and Donald Andrews. The two men combined to dedicate 71 years of service to WHS students, staff, and families. Robert “Bob” Smith was a lifelong resident of Waller who served his entire teaching career at WHS. Donald Andrews joined the WISD family in1967 and stayed there until his retirement in 2001. Andrews continues to be an active community member. While Smith passed in 2016, his memory is alive in the WHS agricultural community. The two worked tirelessly to help all students succeed and build the WHS ag science program, which is state and nationally recognized today. A dedication for the complex will be planned in Spring 2025. 

Elementary #8, located on Field Store Road south of Schultz Junior High (SJH); Photo Source: Waller ISD

Construction on WISD’s second high school, Warren Ranch High School, will begin in spring 2025 and be completed in 2028. It will be located south of Highway 290 off Katy Hockley Road in the Jubilee development. This school will be a milestone for WISD. As WISD grows, the Board and administration are focused on continuing to build school communities where students and families are known by name and partnerships between the school, community, and families help students achieve success. The search for a name of historical significance that will carry on through our future and set the tone for a school full of pride, ethics, hard work, and innovation landed at the Warren Ranch, which was founded in 1883 and is not far from where the school will be built. Its legacy in WISD stretches for seven generations, and three generations of Warren family members have served on the Board of Trustees, including Jim Warren, who served on the Board for 18 years. Over the years, countless Warren family members have attended WISD schools, graduated from WHS, and volunteered their time to serve WISD schools. The history of the ranch and the Warren family is documented in “The History of the Warren Ranch” by Jim Warren. The original brand for the ranch was a WE symbol. WISD plans to incorporate that brand into the high school to honor the history of the land and family, build pride and school tradition, and celebrate the rich history, enduring legacy, and unwavering commitment to service demonstrated by the Warren family.

Construction on WISD’s second high school, Warren Ranch High School, will begin in spring 2025 and be completed in 2028.; Photo Credit: Waller ISD

Source: Waller ISD
